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Albert Arhin




Dr Albert Arhin is a Research Fellow with the Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He is an international development and sustainability specialist with over a decade experience in research, training, strategic planning and reviews and project evaluations. His previous roles have included a Research and Policy Manager for Oxfam in Ghana and a Research Officer with the Participatory Development Associates (PDA), Ghana.


Ernestina Fredua Antoh




Dr. Mrs. Ernestina Fredua Antoh is a Senior Research Fellow at the Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD), College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, (CANR). She has training in Sociology with focus on social planning and rural policy development, monitoring and evaluation. Dr. Mrs. Ernestina Fredua Antoh holds Doctoral degree in Development Studies from University of Cape Coast. Ernestina joined KNUST in 1986 after graduation from the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra and currently the Director of BIRD and provides leadership to the Bureau.

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